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Healing Voices
Produced in partnership with the New Jersey Theatre Alliance, Healing Voices: Caregivers’ Stories weaves together short works of prose, poetry, and theatre about personal caregiving experiences into an intimate theatrical performance.
Healing Voices is free, but registration is required.
A short Q&A will follow this event.
To RSVP, call the Premiere Stages Office at (908) 737-4092 or via Microsoft Form:
Featuring works by
Caring Voices: A Story in Dialogue
by Nancy Burke
Two Women Talking
by Robin Miller Curras
Unspoken, But Understood
by Susan Dashiell
The Guest of Honor
by Emily Dzioba
Like Magic
by Nancy Gleason
Special Needs Classroom
by Rose-Mary Harrington
Wordle & The Reclaimed Letters of Family
by Emily Klein
by John Ladd
It’s Never too late to make a Friend!
by Maria Lupo
The Visitor
by Steven Patrick
The Haunting
by Lisa Beth Vettoso
This Morning in Nuclear Medicine (an excerpt from What Is Here)
by Ann Wallace